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ROI is just the right partner for our company. We jumped into the methodology of manufacturing with both feet. This wouldn’t have been possible without the consultants' detailed know-how about tool manufacture and their multifaceted experience in production. Equally essential to the success of the project was that the consultants worked in a way that was collegial and open. As a result, the enthusiasm can be seen in the entire team, and not just in management.
Julia Esterer,Geschäftsführerin Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Esterer GmbH & Co. Fahrzeugbauten und Anlagen KG

OEE Calculator

The Lean Fabrika OEE calculator is to enable the user to immediately calculate the OEE of a machine. Very often one or two of the aspects of the calculation are known in an organization. So the focus of this version is not to elaborate excessive detail but rather focus on the accumulated effect of the basic aspects of the production. The tool is part of a broad set of methodic tools that are supposed to aid the educational process.


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