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The fact that we were able to realize such a comprehensive concept that radically changed the processes that we had grown accustomed to over the years, is largely due to the constructive collaboration with the team and to the consultants from ROI.
Marc Schlüter, Managing Director Schlüter Systems KG

JAMES P. WOMACK Layout test

JAMES P. WOMACK Ph.D. je zakladatel a hlavní poradce Lean Enterprise Institute Inc., neziskové a vzdělávací instituce se sídlem v Brooklynu, Massachusetts. Zpočátku se zabýval obchodním systémem TOYOTA a v současné době se věnuje celému systému řízení štíhlé výroby.

Je autorem nebo spoluautorem:


The Machine That Changed the World (Macmillan/Rawson Associates, 1990) Lean Thinking (Simon & Schuster, 1996), Lean Solutions (Simon & Schuster, 2005) Seeing The Whole Value Stream (Lean Enterprise Institute, 2011) Gemba Walks (Lean Enterprise Institute, 2011)

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